Spousal Support Arrangements

Spousal support, also known as alimony, is a critical component of many divorce proceedings, providing financial assistance to a spouse who may be economically disadvantaged following the dissolution of the marriage. At Silverman Law Group, APC, our team understands the complexities of spousal support and is dedicated to advocating for fair and equitable outcomes for our clients.

Determining Spousal Support

Spousal support is not automatically awarded in every divorce case but may be granted based on factors such as the length of the marriage, each spouse’s income and earning capacity, the standard of living established during the marriage, and any contributions one spouse made to the other’s education or career advancement. Ms. Silverman has the expertise to assess your unique circumstances and advocate for an appropriate spousal support arrangement that meets your financial needs and goals.

Negotiation & Litigation

Spousal support negotiations can be complex and emotionally charged, but Ms. Silverman will work tirelessly to achieve a fair and reasonable outcome. We’ll strive to negotiate spousal support agreements that address your financial needs while promoting a sense of fairness and cooperation between you and your spouse. If litigation becomes necessary, we’ll vigorously represent your interests in court, fighting to secure a spousal support award that reflects your contributions and sacrifices during the marriage.

Modification and Enforcement

Life circumstances can change after divorce, and spousal support orders may need to be modified to reflect these changes. Whether you’re seeking a modification of an existing spousal support order due to a change in income, employment, or health status, or if you’re seeking enforcement of a spousal support order that has been ignored or violated, Ms. Silverman is here to help. We’ll guide you through the process of seeking modification or enforcement, ensuring that your rights are protected and your financial interests are upheld.

Experience and Dedication

At Silverman Law Group, APC, we combine our extensive experience in family law with a deep dedication to our clients’ well-being. We understand the importance of spousal support in securing your financial stability post-divorce, and we will work tirelessly to ensure that your interests are represented with integrity and professionalism.

Contact Us Today

If you’re facing spousal support issues in divorce or need assistance with modification or enforcement of a spousal support order, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for help. Contact Silverman Law Group, APC, today to schedule a consultation with our team. Let us be your trusted advocates as you work toward a fair and equitable resolution of your spousal support matters.

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