Comprehensive Legal Services

Legal Solutions For Your
Peace Of Mind

Our services encompass a wide range of family law matters, providing you with the peace of mind you deserve during challenging times.

  • Divorce Law Attorney

    At Silverman Law Group, APC, we will guide you through every step of your divorce, advocating for your rights and helping you navigate the complexities of divorce law.

  • Child Custody

    When it comes to matters of child custody, we prioritize the best interests of the child while advocating for our clients’ parental rights.

  • Domestic Violence Law-Attorney

    If you’re a victim of domestic violence, our firm is here to provide the legal support and protection you need to ensure your safety and well-being.

  • Child Support

    Ensuring the financial well-being of your children is paramount. Our team will work tirelessly to secure fair and just child support arrangements.

  • Civil Harassment Restraining Orders

    If you’re a victim of harassment or stalking, we can help you obtain a civil harassment restraining order to protect your safety.

  • Grandparent Rights

    Grandparents play an important role in the lives of their grandchildren. Our firm is dedicated to helping grandparents protect their rights.

  • High-Net Worth Divorce

    Divorces involving substantial assets require specialized attention. We have the expertise to handle high-net worth divorces with skill and precision.

  • High-Conflict Custody

    We specialize in resolving high-conflict custody disputes with sensitivity and expertise, always prioritizing the well-being of the children involved.

  • Legal Separation

    For couples seeking to separate without ending their marriage, we offer legal separation services to help you establish clear boundaries and protect your rights.

  • Military Divorce

    Military divorces often involve unique challenges. Our team has the expertise to handle the complexities of military divorce with precision and care.

  • Move-Away and Relocations

    Relocating with children after a divorce can be challenging. We will help you navigate the legal complexities involved in move-away and relocation cases.

  • Friendly,Moms,With,Babies,Sitting,On,Sofa,At,Home.,Club

    In cases involving multiple parents, our attorney will work diligently to protect the best interests of the child while advocating for your parental rights.

  • Paternity

    Establishing paternity is crucial for parental rights and child support matters. Our firm can assist you in navigating the paternity process with ease.

  • Property Division

    We are committed to ensuring equitable property division in divorce proceedings, whether through negotiation or litigation.

  • same sex divorce

    Our firm proudly supports the LGBTQ+ community and provides compassionate legal representation for same-sex couples seeking divorce.

  • spousal support

    Whether you’re seeking spousal support or defending against it, our team will fight to ensure a fair and just outcome.

Committed to Success

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Contact us today to schedule a consultation with our experienced family law attorney. Let us help you navigate the complexities of family law with compassion and expertise.

Call us for inquiry : Monday to Friday : 9 am – 5 pm

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