Navigating Paternal Parental Rights

Establishing paternity is a critical step in determining parental rights and responsibilities, ensuring that children receive the support and care they deserve from both parents. At Silverman Law Group, APC, we understand the importance of paternity matters and are dedicated to providing compassionate support and skilled representation to parents seeking to establish paternity.

Legal Recognition of Parentage

Paternity refers to the legal recognition of a child’s biological father. Establishing paternity provides important benefits for both parents and children, including access to child support, health insurance, inheritance rights, and the opportunity to develop a meaningful parent-child relationship. Ms. Silverman can assist you in navigating the legal process of establishing paternity and ensuring that your parental rights and responsibilities are protected.

Voluntary Acknowledgment

Paternity can be established voluntarily by both parents through a process known as a voluntary acknowledgment of paternity. This involves signing a legal document affirming the biological father’s relationship to the child. The attorney can guide you through the voluntary acknowledgment process, ensuring that your rights are protected and that the necessary documentation is completed accurately and efficiently.

Genetic Testing

If paternity is contested or uncertain, genetic testing may be necessary to determine biological parentage definitively. We can assist you in obtaining court-ordered genetic testing and interpreting the results to establish paternity legally. We’ll work tirelessly to ensure that your child’s best interests are prioritized throughout the paternity determination process.

Protecting Parental Rights

Establishing paternity is not only about legal recognition but also about protecting parental rights and responsibilities. Silverman Law Group, APC, is committed to advocating for the best interests of both parents and their children, ensuring that custody, visitation, and support arrangements are fair and equitable. Whether you’re seeking to establish paternity or challenging paternity allegations, we’ll provide the skilled representation you need to achieve a favorable outcome.

Contact Us Today

If you’re facing paternity issues or need assistance in establishing or challenging paternity, don’t navigate this complex process alone. Contact Silverman Law Group, APC, today to schedule a consultation with our team. Let us be your trusted advocates as you work toward establishing parental rights and ensuring the best interests of your child.

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